2nd RadioTransNet Workshop: Challenges and Innovations in Dose Modelling

The RADIOTRANSNET project is a French initiative for the structuration of preclinical research in the field of radiation oncology in France. It has been submitted by the French Society of Radiation Oncology (SFRO) and the French society of medical physics (SFPM). It has been favorably evaluated by the International Evaluation Committee of INCa (the French Cancer Institute). RADIOTRANSNET network has officially been launched at the end of 2018.

Research and Innovation in optimized medical applications of ionizing radiation aim to improve patient care and quality of life. The ambition of RADIOTRANSNET is to propose a robust methodology of science-based consensus aiming 1) to build a national research consortium dedicated to radiation oncology, 2) to implement a strategic research agenda (SRA) based on rigorous scientific and medical state of the art in radiotherapy and radiobiology, and 3) to define a road map to favor existing scientific and clinical interactions.

Four main strategies (4 workpackages) have been identified to improve therapeutic index of radiotherapy and define RADIOTRANSNET network activities:

  • WP1: Optimizing the specificity of the dose distribution of radiotherapy treatments,
  • WP2: Decreasing radiotherapy side effects on normal tissue,
  • WP3: Combining new molecular targeted agents and biological modifiers,
  • WP4: Optimizing dose modelling and treatment planning

This second RadioTransNet Workshop is dedicated to the Workpackage 4 of the projet and aims defining strategies to improve dose modelling. To achieve this objective, a precise knowledge of the doses delivered for each technique, each patient, and each organ is essential. Achieving the optimization of radiation exposure and the harmonization of practices in radiotherapy, and understanding the biologic effects require a better knowledge of the physical dose and the characteristics of the ionizing radiation. The computation of the daily delivered dose by analytical or advanced statistical methods during radiotherapy courses could answer this challenge.

This Workshop aims, through several oral presentations, to draw up an inventory of current practices and emerging methods in order to address the key issues and to identify the needs. Then, a “working groups” session will allow reflections and exchanges to start the structuration process in order to define an adapted research program within the RadioTransNet Network.


Registration is free but mandatory to attend the workshop.

The deadline for registration is august 27th, 2019.

To attend this workshop,please proceed to the registration using the online form.

You can already contribute to working groups submitting an abtract. Summaries may include research priorties, short programm, existing collaborations (academic and/or industrial) or any suggestion related to round tables issues.


Looking forward to seeing you,

The RadioTransNet team.

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